Diamond Liquidation

Many investors have asked us what happens if they see a diamond on the platform they want to own. Like “I want to pay you $1mil today, on the spot, to bring that diamond home with me”. How can they buy it outright?

They can’t.

Not for sale.

Seats taken.

Once a diamond has been fractionalized it can potentially be owned by tens of thousands of investors. Yes, we could have an onchain vote where all the token holders can vote to liquidate their shares at the current market price… but what about the investors that just bought in… or the long term investors… or the investors who aren’t ready for a taxable event (being forced to cash out of their holdings). Even if 90% of people voted to liquidate the token it would still leave thousands of unhappy investors.

Maybe there’s another way? Maybe we could swap shares for another diamond? Maybe it can be a one to one transfer to a similar diamond of the same color, cut clarity etc.. maybe…

At the moment we don’t have the answer, but that’s why we’re a DAO. Through our Exchange Improvement Proposals (EIP), DAO members (anyone who's an owner of the $BDE token) can submit a proposal to change this.

Who knows what the future will bring but one thing is for sure, it will be aligned with the will of the market. That’s the beauty of a DAO. Each and every $BDE token holder, who directly shares in the profits via staking rewards, is incentivized to submit proposals that will maximize the usage and profitability of the platform.

A transparent organization, run via a pure democracy, perfectly aligned with capitalism. What a beautiful thing.